SO2R bandpass filters For Multi-Multi or SO2R operations, quality bandpass filters are needed. Not only produced harmonics have to be…
Home made
YO8RXP radio shack -work in progress
YO8RXP radio shack — Home made building Hardware 98% Software 99% Shack construction 96% Electric floor heating Xiaomi BLE   Wired…
Lab signal generator RXP-SIG 130v1
Schematics available ! At this page bottom, you can find PCB tab where one can see the schematics involved. Once…
DIY AGC, digital help to the rescue
Arduino A.G.C Control is in you hands. Decay time, fall time, rise time, values Arduino Nano C++ Main Loop@10Khz AD8307…
Teensy 4.1 SDR
Work in progress Contest transceiver Teensy 4.1 SDR Yet another hamradio project I am working on As hamradio, I love…
Touch screen 10″ Smart Antenna Switch
Hamradio and software come to life During big contests it can be useful to have a touchscreen antenna switch placed…
Antenna tower
Have a question? mailto: My home made antenna tower Goal is to design and build a low height antenna…
Home made BLF188 QRO
During big cw contests a good QRO will improve overall score. Many hams use tubes, others use transistors, home made…
Improving reception in CW was always a top priority of mine, contest or dx cq. Having purchased a powerfull Sota…
How to crash a brand new BLF188XR
Youtube bullsh…it about BLF188 being indestructible ! The test there was made using 100 Mhz pulse signal 1% duty cycle.…