V 1.0 January 2022
The Bad, the Good and the Ugly !
Teensy 4.1 SDR
Will be CW only, 80 to 20 meters bands. Also, will be interfaced with computer via USB and Kenwood emulated codes. No fancy waterfall, no zillions of menus to get lost into !
2x4 channel multiplexers used as IQ mixers, SI5351 and flipflop as IQ VFO followed by 2 x AD8599 high gain / low noise audio stages. The output will be feed into digital processing board
Having a 15 W output MOSFET power amplifier available, will filter / reduce the signal in such way that only 10 W constant output will be transmitted in all bands.
First Teensy will be used as IQ audio processor delivering 100-1500 Hz audio, rejecting unwanted side band.
Another Teensy will be in charge of T/R switching, PC connectivity, PBT filter, noise reduction and AGC output voltage with raise time, knee time and time delay.
While a direct conversion receiver can be hard to AGC control and not willing to use software audio AGC leaving front end unprotected, Teensy will control a chain of RF variable attenuators directly at antenna port, hopefully in 0-120 dB range.
2 x Mitsubishi RD15 mosfets board, purhased from Ebay long time ago. It is more than capable to withstand output shorts and high swr without any dammage. ( I did test that ! ). It will be input and output filtered with Chebyshev 5 poles filters., also no relays will be used on T/R but powerful FET switches.
Not sure yet , but I am in keen using Nextion 7 inches capacitive display where all graphic code is written inside it, so no heavy burden on Teensy.
While being caught in multiple projects like shack building, antenna tower, smart home controller as well as smart antenna controller, I have to prioritize my projects not leaving family aside.
The Bad, the Good and the Ugly !