Great operators, Great contest ! Largest H.F. contest. Best of the best yes sir !!! I ran YP0K callsing for…
Home made BLF188 QRO
During big cw contests a good QRO will improve overall score. Many hams use tubes, others use transistors, home made…
40 meters est-west flip 3 elements Inverted Vee antenna
2020 October 10 Contest antenna 40 meters band 3 elements inverted vee Compare with 2 el. Delta loop Flip relays…
Iaru R1 UHF contest 2020
Iaru R1 432 Mhz Contest 2020 – 75 W and 4 x 20 elements yagi Hi. Same team YO8ROO, YO8SHU…
Improving reception in CW was always a top priority of mine, contest or dx cq. Having purchased a powerfull Sota…
IC7300 and CW contest
Many hams do have ic7300 due to incredible functions, price and more… It’s arrival was a turning point into relations…
WPX 2020 CW
This was my 1’s time WPX contest ever in 25 years as ham radio. More elegant contest than CQWW while…
20 meter 3 elements wire inverted Vee flip antenna
Ever wanted a high gain (ish) directive antenna on the cheap ? Tower + antenna + rotator is too expensive…
How to crash a brand new BLF188XR
Youtube bullsh…it about BLF188 being indestructible ! The test there was made using 100 Mhz pulse signal 1% duty cycle.…
ARRL International DX CW Contest 2020
15 February 2020, Arrl Int’l Dx Contest is just about to start at 00:00 UTC (2 AM local time). 10…